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Title: HAIR

Reference number: 0374

Date: 1933

Director: filmed by James K Urquhart [Meteor Film Producing Society]

Sound: silent

Original format: 35mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: fiction

Running time: 11.00 mins

Description: A drama about a young girl, staying with her aunt, dreams that an escaped convict kills the maid.

Entry in first Scottish Amateur Film Festival 1933. Original sound discs missing

Credits: A Russell Production.
sc. Winifred Fraser
ph. Sydney Kates, Stanley L Russell
lighting A. Kennedy Irvine
Railway sequence by courtesy of LMS Railway Company
the players Enid Hewitt, Catherine Fletcher Thomas Philip Kenneth Guild

Shotlist: (VERSION 2, Reel 1 only)
No credits. Mary on railway platform by open carriage door. She tips the porter (.16) steam locomotive, LMS no. 6134, reverses into station (.24) Mary gives money to boy on platform and boards the train (.46) station clock (.48) shots of passing scenery (1.40) interior of dining-car. Mary enters and takes a seat by the window. She lights a cigarette and reads a letter (2.50) railway signals (2.55) interior of signal box as operator changes signal by hand (2.59) the train arrives in Kirklee station, Glasgow, and Mary alights from train. she hails a cab outside the station, gets in, and the cab drives off (4.10) policeman on a bicycle stops the cab on a country road to speak to the driver. the cab continues its journey (4.50) cab draws up in front of large house and Mary alights. she is welcomed at the door by the housemaid and conducted inside (5.13). The maid gives Mary a newspaper cutting to read, after which she goes upstairs (5.47) after changing for dinner, Mary comes downstairs again and eats her dinner (7.52) she takes a book down from bookshelf, "The Man with the Club Foot" by Valentine Williams, and settles in an armchair to read (8.48) shots of man in a field (8.58) Mary continues to read (9.20) c/u of doorhandle turning (9.25) Mary is startled when she sees the handle turning and is relieved to find that it is only the maid (9.56) Mary puts down her book and goes to bed (10.33) high shot looking down on parked sports car (10.38)