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Reference number: 10998

Date: 1962

Sponsor: [ William Crawford and Sons Limited]

Sound: silent

Colour: bwcol

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 8.09 mins

Description: A fete for Crawford's Biscuit Factory workers. Children playing games, general views of the stalls.

Crawford's Biscuit Factory Collection features Crawford biscuit factory in Edinburgh (closed 1950s / 1960s). As well as factory instructional films, the films feature the social activities of the staff.

Shotlist: [Col] William Crawford and Sons Limited. (0.5) Social Activities 1962. (.18) Retiral Presentation to 'Willie' Hunter after 54 years service with the firm. (.27) [B/W] C/u of workers attending the presentation. C/u of Mr Hunter and the men giving the speaches. Presentation very short, and held in a small room. (1.32) Edinburgh and District Skittles Association. (1.38) 1961-1962 Winners of the 'B' Division Shield and the Perkin's Cup. (1.45) Crawford's Rovers 'B' Team. (1.49) C/u of trophies. (2.11) C/u of some men in various sections of the factory. (2.25) [col] The Sports Firstly a Child's View. (2.29) C/u of a baby on a pram. (2.42) View of the grass and a flag from the perspective of a child in a pram. (2.50) C/u of another child's face, and a man lighting a cigarette. (2.57) C/u of a woman and another child. (3.09) C/u of a doll in a box, and a cake - raffle prizes. (3.19) Two girls shooting a large ball at a netball post. (3.35) C/u of some flowers. (3.45) A small boy trying to play skittles. (4.01) Children in a pipe band. (4.40) C/u of various people in the crowd. (5.05) Boys and girls competing in a race. (5.36) Children queuing for pony rides, gv's of the organisers eating ice-cream. Boy riding a pony. (6.11) Man and a woman standing outside the netball shooting area. (6.14) C/u of some children, a baby in a pram. (6.29) Woman at the potted plant stall. (6.31) Man trying to blow up the netball. (6.39) GV's of the crowd. Mothers and toddlers having tea, boy looking curiously under one of the tents. (7.13) Man at a microphone. (7.20) Gv of the crowd. (7.27) Competitors in a wheelbarrow race, and a three-legged race. (8.01) The End. (8.09)