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1949 | bw | silent
1948 | bwcol | silent
1940 | bw | silent
1946 | bw | silent
1948 | col | silent

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Reference number: 12226

Date: 1935 - 1940

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bwcol

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 29.20 mins

Description: Educational film about the cultivation, harvesting and storage of potatoes.

Credits: p. Staff of the Agricultural Department Edinburgh University

Shotlist: [bw] Title. Man empties dung cart onto pile; [col] shot showing construction of pile/platform. [bw] Dunging field. Gvs collecting dung from pile, loading cart and spreading, using horse and fork, then tractor pulled muckspreader. Ploughing field. Harrowing,using iron spring cultivator. Grubber cultivator. Harrowing. Man unloads crates of sprouted potatoes, c/u same. Spreading fertiliser along furrow using specialised horse drawn hopper. Planting. Sorting potatoes by size using grate. Bagging potatoes; hand cranked sorter? in barrel shape. Ploughing field. Loading cart and dunging field. Dropping seed potatoes; Man loads basket with potatoes & distributes to planters. Planting; furrow showing seed potatoes at intervals, under line of fertiliser. Ploughing field, c/u plough. Tilling between furrows using different machinery. Pair of men hoe potato plants. Men plough between furrows. Boys hoeing furrows, c/u removing weeds and stones. Gvs work party hoeing older plants. Tractor grubbing? between furrows; horse drawn ploughing between furrows. Gvs two teams. Spreading liquid from a drum through nozzles, drawn by horse; filling drum from barrel. Filling tub with water, adding sulphuric acid? kept in glass bottles in straw stuffed baskets. Filling drum with bucket then hand lever pump; spreading liquid on field. Spreading powder on field [misty]. Three men in field lift individual plants; c/u looking at roots. Work party gathering potatoes, men load sacks onto cart. Pair of men gather potatoes by hand, one lifting, the other picking. Mechanised potato lifter. Long pile of potatoes ready for clamping, next to two clamps. Line of men cut grassy earth with hoes. Men empty co-op barrels of potatoes into trays & stack. Dunging field. Ploughing? and harrowing to turn up stray potatoes picked up by gatherers. Boy empties baskets onto cart. Potato gathering; c/u plough? Men using forks to flatten ground, building clamp, using a board, the fork to shape pile. Mechanised potato lifters drawn by tractor and horse. Gathering potatoes. Clamping potatoes. Burning piles of hay? in field. THE END.