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Reference number: 1349

Date: 1938

Sponsor: Glasgow Corporation Public Health Department

Production company: Campbell Harper Films Ltd.

Sound: silent

Original format: 16mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 18.33 mins

Description: The local authority's maternity and child welfare service in operation, showing the benefits to mother and child.

Part of hire stock of former Public Health Dept of Glasgow Corporation

Credits: ph. and ed. Alan Harper

Shotlist: PART 1
Credits (.14) The Maternity and Child Welfare Service is both medical and educational. The Ante Natal Clinics provide expectant mothers with valuable advice and medical supervision. Shots of clinic, women sit in waiting room. One is called to the desk and then into the surgery (.50) Urine testing. Brief shots nurse in lab, woman leaves and enters interview room (1.18) Experienced nurses give advice on clothing and any special preparations for the confinement. Gvs nurses advising patients on proper clothing (2.20) Of paramount importance is the periodic medical examination. Woman enters consulting room and talks to doctor (2.53) Blood pressure is taken and medical examination gets underway. The importance of a stable diet is emphasised. Doctor talks to mother about food (3.57) Care of the teeth is essential, Glasgow provides a complete dental service. The expectant mother visits the dentist and is fitted with a set of false teeth (4.27) The value of the clinic does not stop with the arrival of the baby. Mother and baby visit the doctor who examines the infant and advises the mother on treatment. She points to Cod Liver Oil and a diet chart (5.55) Another mother enters the surgery with her baby and the interviews continue (6.42) Classes are held for young mothers. Nurse takes the class. Gvs classroom (7.32) Bottle feeding can only be a substitute for breast feeding. Nurse gives mothers instruction on bottle feeding and suitable clothing to wear for breast feeding (9.08) End of Part

No credits. The work of the clinic is incomplete without home visitation by specially trained nurses. Shots in family home as nurse calls, talks to mother and takes her leave (1.00) Baby asleep in pram (1.10) Unfortunately not all children remain healthy, lack of sunshine and wrong feeding combine to produce rickets. Doctor examines toddler with rickets (1.41) Artificial sunlight baths help to repair damage. Parents and affected children inside artificial sunlight unit wearing protective dark glasses (2.34) The Country Homes are available for young children convalescing from acute illness or who are debilitated. Mothers and children enter grounds of home and hand over children (3.09) Children and nurses in gardens (3.26) Shots during mealtime and playtime (4.21) Child being bathed and asleep in cot (4.28) Where mothers have to leave their homes to work, children under school age may be cared for in a day nursery. Youngster enters nursery, is bathed by nurse and dressed in clean clothes, then led out to play. Gvs children at play (6.50) Boys brush their teeth, say prayers. Babies are fed, toddlers eat and drink (8.23) Children asleep in their cots (9.07) [Long caption on the achievements of the service] (9.23) End credits (9.25).