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Reference number: 1775

Date: 1898

Director: [filmed by E.P. Prestwich]

Sound: silent

Original format: 35mm

Colour: bw

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 1.36 mins

Description: Members of the photographic convention carrying tripods and cameras file past a waiting room on the deck of the Clyde steamer "Lady Rowena".

Copy of original held in the National Film Archive as "Yarmouth Photographic Convention 1897".

See also Additional Information File for article.

See "The Practical Photographer", Vol. 9, Sept. 1898, p. 276, and "The Rise of Cinema in Great Britain" by John Barnes for refs. to Prestwich. Dates July 4 -- 9 according to Optical Lantern Journal.

Shotlist: [shotlist retimed from speed corrected tape, manual control track]

[no title or credits] Members of the Convention carrying tripods and cameras file past a waiting room on the deck of the Clyde steamer "Lady Rowena". Members of party include Craig Annan, Mr. Harold Baker, Mrs. W. Baker and Mrs. Ralph Robinson (1.36)