Video 1

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Video 2 (currently displayed video)

Disabled ex-serviceman Johnny lives and works within the grounds of Erskine Hospital. (clip)

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Reference number: 4034

Date: 1965*

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 14.44 min

Description: This film begins with a brief history of Erskine Hospital, then illustrates its services and some imaginative adaptations to disability. The hospital is portrayed as a home for patients, but also a place of rehabilitation. The patients regularly take part in arts and crafts through occupational therapy and the "Sheltered Workshop Scheme", which supplies the hospital's shop.

Shotlist: No credits. c/u of Big Ben clock tower, showing 11 o'clock (0.12); Queen laying a wreath of poppies at the foot of the Cenotaph, others laying wreaths (0.52); c/u poppy wreaths (0.59); c/u of wheel chair used by a man with both legs amputated; pan up to smiling man (1.36); line drawings of soldiers in action during WWI (1.50); a plaque commemorating Sir William MacEwan, Regius Professor of Surgery in University of Glasgow; photograph Sir Thomas Dunlop; bronze head of Sir John Reid (2.06); gvs of Erskine Hospital buildings, aerial view of the hospital, c/u of hospital, view into hospital window (3.10); view of hospital ward with patients and staff (3.21); c/us of individual patients with visitors, working embroidery; eating at a table in the ward; nurses help patients with eating and lighting a pipe (4.28); patients practice walking in the gym, aided by a physiotherapist/doctor? (5.00); men watching horse racing on the television; c/u grainy image (5.13); man using a device around his neck to turn the page of a book, pressing down with his chin (5.27); man listening to an audio book on a gramophone? (5.33); man smoking a cigarette with the use of a cigarette aid (cigarette attached to a tube and placed in the patient's mouth) (5.47); man undergoing an examination of his eyes and teeth (6.05); gvs of patients being examined as they lie in bed; c/u taking sample of blood; c/u respiration unit; ms patient using mask (6.57); tracking shot into operating theatre; c/u surgical staff and operating lamp; gvs operation; c/u surgical tools (7.38); c/u carving knife; man putting pies into ovens in hospital kitchen; woman pushing a trolley full of food (8.05); dining room, patients sit at table in fours (8.14); shop selling tobacco and confectionary (8.27); man smoking a pipe and reading a book (8.37); men playing cards, sit talking to each other. (9.11); Occupational Therapy Unit; man tying a rug; working on a loom; gvs men working on various projects in the room (9.59); exts. of Morton Hall on hospital grounds (10.11); exts. men playing bowls; playing putting (10.30); ls men walking along the road (10.38); man tending to flowers inside greenhouse, man eating a tomato inside greenhouse (10.57); gardener working in the garden (11.10); exts. of a building (11.14); man weaving a chair (11.30); man using a weaving machine (11.43); man making boots (11.54); making lid for wicker basket (12.50); Erskine War Disabled Showroom, different signs - one saying 'Erskine Hospital Workshops, Basketry & cane furniture' (12.26); man making a wicker shopping trolley (12.33); gvs of a man walking into his house and greeting his wife with a kiss (13.24); gvs of scenes which have gone before, l/s of hospital (14.29); man in a wheel chair outside the main building (14.44); [s/track continues to (15.09)]