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1953 | col | silent
1951 | col | silent
1954 | col | silent
1959 | col | sound

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Reference number: 5294

Date: 1955*

Sponsor: The Grand Lodge of Scotland

Production company: Campbell Harper Films Ltd.

Sound: mute

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 20.52 mins

Description: A film about the Grand Lodge of Scotland opening a Scottish Masonic Home in 1951 to house and care for aged Freemasons. [Rushes, has an unedited feel]

Shotlist: [Please note the final c. 4.00 mins of this film are rather disjointed with repeated footage, particularly titles]

Title (0.51); In 1951 The Grand Lodge of Scotland opened a Scottish Masonic Home to house and care for aged Freemasons. Applications for entry to the Home come from Lodges throughout the Scottish Constitution, and the merits of each are decided in the Grand Lodge of Scotland itself by a specially qualified sub - comittee. In this "new world" the retired Freemason not only find freedom from domestic duties, but peace and companionship as well ... (1.06); In 1951 The Grand Lodge of Scotland opened a Scottish Masonic Home to house and care for aged Freemasons, and their wives having faced up to the problems of life, have found themselves alone bereft of family in the evening of their lives (1.48); repeat of above (2.25); Edinburgh Castle (2.26); Princes Street Gardens with statue of Adam Black (2.35); Scott Monument, old man feeding pigeons (4.33); same man entering a building on North Bridge (5.02); man cooking on a single burner gas stove (5.33); man walking over North Bridge and walking down the Waverly Steps, includes shots of Princes Street and trams (6.17); pan of Princes Street at night (7.03); steam train arriving at Dunblane Station (7.40); man walking up Leewood and Glen Road, sign for Ault Wharrie (8.19); man arriving at Ault Wharrie, int. of the house - some repeated scenes (9.54); gvs of the ext. of the home (11.03); two old men walking around the gardens (11.34); snooker, grass bowls, putting (12.57); dining room, kitchen, headshot of old man speaking (14.04); people getting off a bus, gvs of farmed landscape with sheep and haystacks, Wallace monument, steam train, highland cattle (16.05); neon lights (17.19) [repeated shots] brief shots of previous footage (18.47); The Masonic Homes Committee of the Grand Lodge of Scotland acknowledges with grateful thanks the gift of this film from two Brethren of the Lodge of Brotherly Love No. 1428 and Lodge Canongate Kilwinning No. 2 Edinburgh (19.49). THE END (20.52)