David Puttnam

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Title: David Puttnam

Reference number: 6134

Date: 1991

Sponsor: Strathclyde Regional Council and Scottish Film Council

Production company: Transworld Television

Sound: sound

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 43.55 mins

Description: David Puttnam discusses at some length his career and film craft with an with audience of schoolchildren. He talks about the filmmaking process, representations of gender, sexuality and disability in his films and his views on the film industry in general.

Part of a series called 'The Strathclyde Tapes' designed to inform young people about a career in the media. See also refs. 6147, 6148, 6149, 6150, 6151.

The Strathclyde Tapes series 1990 - 1996 was produced by Strathclyde Regional Council in partnership with Scottish Film Council for Media Education Teaching. They grew out of collaboration between the Scottish Film Council and Strathclyde Regional Council, which were both involved in bringing the European Film Awards to Glasgow in 1990 to round of the celebrations for the city's year as Cultural Capital of Europe. Set of seven interviews with film industry personnel - Bill Forsyth, David Puttnam, Richard Attenborough, Paddy Higson, Jonathan Miller, Peter Brook and Alan Sharp.
For teaching notes and background information see paper archives file at 1/1/334.

Credits: with thanks to David Puttnam and the pupils and staff of Trinity, Stonelaw, Hyndland, Cathkin, Ashcraig and Victoria Drive Schools
film clips by courtesy of Goldcrest Films and Television, Enigma Productions, Twentieth Century Fox, Rank Films, Warner Bros.
additional assistance Scottish Television, Glasgow Film Theatre
educational liaison June Mitchell, Ron Mackie, Strathclyde Region; Paula Visocchi, Glasgow Film Theatre.
graphics Allan Broom Facilities
shot on location at Trinity High School, Cambuslang by Transworld Television Productions
p. Eddie Dick
The Strathclyde Tapes are a Strathclyde Regional Council and Scottish Film Council Presentation

Shotlist: [Shotlisted from control track - no timecode]

(00:00:00) opening credits (00:01:01) David Puttnam talks about the role of the producer and the role of the director (00:06:17) excerpt from 'Meeting Venus' (00:07:42) continues talking (00:08:07) the high profile of the producer and his relationship to writers/directors etc (00:10:16) the crew (00:11:41) the importance of famous actors and actresses (00:14:16) excerpt from 'The Killing Fields' (00:16:16) film finance (00:18:12) discussion of 'Bugsy Malone' (00:19:58) excerpt from 'Bugsy Malone' (00:20:52) treatment of female characters in his films (00:25:55) disability in films (00:28:22) homosexual content in films (00:30:29) excerpt from 'Local Hero' (00:31:55) people with disabilities working in films (00:34:18) misunderstanding of the phrase 'The British Are Coming' (00:35:12) excerpt from 'Chariots of Fire' (00:36:21) discussion of the film 'Chariots of Fire' and how the British film industry works etc; training and education (00:38:27) language and international barriers in film, 'Meeting Venus' as an example (00:39:11) excerpt from 'Meeting Venus' (00:40:16) commercial success for British film, subsidies etc (00:43:01) ecs (00:43:55)