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Reference number: 6755

Date: 1965*

Production company: Gosford Films

Sound: sound

Original format: 16mm

Colour: col

Fiction: non-fiction

Running time: 18.33 mins

Description: Guide and scout camp. General views of the children building a wooden bridge, singing around the camp fire, and the public display of their work while at camp.

Includes shots of 1st. Port Seton, and 1st. Haddington Girl Guides.

Shotlist: [shotlisted from VHS, manual control track]

Gosford Films Production (0.03) Title (0.09) gvs of scouts and guides striking camp, includes shots of putting up tents, arriving in vans (2.38) Brief shot of castle (2.40) gvs scouts and guides gathering into a large circle (2.57) "prayers and colours" gvs of scout and two guides raising the Union Flag, which the gathered scouts and guides salute, and then disperse (3.38) gvs scouts and guides are organized into activity groups (4.14) shot of scouts using square lashing to build a raft to cross the river Tyne? v/o mentions river being nicknamed the "River Kwai" by the group (4.39) shot of juniors completing a group task of carrying an unrung bell over obstacles (5.14) senior scouts build "Luxemburgers" by lashing poles together v/o mention these were invented by Swiss scouts (5.50) Gvs of wooden bridge being built over a river (6.26) Gvs of other groups building outlook tower and swings (6.40) Gvs scout leaders and scouts cooking and serving lunch, includes shots of extracting meat (corned beef?) from a can, peeling potatoes and lighting a gas fire, a Crosse & Blackwell tin of Oxtail Soup (7.32) gvs raising a tall section of the bridge and shoring it up (7.56) guides and scouts play on metal barrels (8.18) gvs continuing work on the Luxemburgers, the tower is raised (9.07) gvs continuing work on the bridge (9.25) gvs girls and boys play ball games (9.34) commissioners relaxing outside their tent (9.37) gvs a fire is lit the gathering is declared open and scouts and guides are led in singing includes shots of skits put on by scouts, and of scout leaders wearing ceremonial clothing (11.04) gvs of morning in the camp, includes shots of breakfast, wood chopping and dressing in uniform (11.59) v/o "everything ship-shape and Bristol fashion, we hope" gvs scouts ready the camp for inspection (12.10) gvs continued work on the swing v/o speaks of opening to the public (12.25) gvs continued work on the bridge (12.36) gvs Art competition "using natural materials" amongst the guides MacKenzie Shield competition Winner -1st. Port Seton, Second - 1st. Haddington (13.29) gvs the public visit the camp, the constructions are tested (the bridge now has the sign "The Peasant Bridge") includes shots of guides with adults, standing behind a prominent sign with the word "BELTERS" and of a revolving swing constructed by the groups (16.00) gvs Final ceremony: Sunday service and prize giving, including shots of Lady Balfour (17.25) gvs the Union flag is lowered, v/o recites first lines of "Taps" (17.47) Gosford Films Production (17.49)